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BSC it Sem 5 Question Papers with Solutions

 here are some important B.Sc. IT Semester 5 questions on successive differentiation along with step-by-step solutions. These problems are designed to help students understand the concepts thoroughly.

Problem 1: Successive Differentiation of a Polynomial

Problem: Find the first, second, and third derivatives of the function f(x)=4x33x2+2x5f(x) = 4x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x - 5.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: f(x)=4x33x2+2x5f(x) = 4x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x - 5
    • Differentiate each term:
      • The derivative of 4x34x^3 is 12x212x^2
      • The derivative of 3x2-3x^2 is 6x-6x
      • The derivative of 2x2x is 22
      • The derivative of 5-5 is 00 (since the derivative of a constant is zero)
    • Combine the results: f(x)=12x26x+2f'(x) = 12x^2 - 6x + 2
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: f(x)=12x26x+2f'(x) = 12x^2 - 6x + 2
    • Differentiate each term:
      • The derivative of 12x212x^2 is 24x24x
      • The derivative of 6x-6x is 6-6
      • The derivative of 22 is 00
    • Combine the results: f(x)=24x6f''(x) = 24x - 6
  3. Third Derivative:

    • Write the second derivative: f(x)=24x6f''(x) = 24x - 6
    • Differentiate each term:
      • The derivative of 24x24x is 2424
      • The derivative of 6-6 is 00
    • Combine the results: f(x)=24f'''(x) = 24

Problem 2: Successive Differentiation of an Exponential Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function g(x)=e4xg(x) = e^{4x}.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: g(x)=e4xg(x) = e^{4x}
    • Use the chain rule. The outer function is eue^u where u=4xu = 4x:
      • The derivative of eue^u is eue^u
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(4x)=4\frac{d}{dx}(4x) = 4
    • Combine the results: g(x)=e4x4=4e4xg'(x) = e^{4x} \cdot 4 = 4e^{4x}
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: g(x)=4e4xg'(x) = 4e^{4x}
    • Use the chain rule again. The outer function is eue^u where u=4xu = 4x:
      • The derivative of eue^u is eue^u
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(4x)=4\frac{d}{dx}(4x) = 4
    • Combine the results: g(x)=4e4x4=16e4xg''(x) = 4 \cdot e^{4x} \cdot 4 = 16e^{4x}

Problem 3: Successive Differentiation of a Trigonometric Function

Problem: Find the first, second, and third derivatives of the function h(x)=sin(2x)h(x) = \sin(2x).


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: h(x)=sin(2x)h(x) = \sin(2x)
    • Use the chain rule. The outer function is sin(u)\sin(u) where u=2xu = 2x:
      • The derivative of sin(u)\sin(u) is cos(u)\cos(u)
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(2x)=2\frac{d}{dx}(2x) = 2
    • Combine the results: h(x)=cos(2x)2=2cos(2x)h'(x) = \cos(2x) \cdot 2 = 2\cos(2x)
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: h(x)=2cos(2x)h'(x) = 2\cos(2x)
    • Use the chain rule again. The outer function is cos(u)\cos(u) where u=2xu = 2x:
      • The derivative of cos(u)\cos(u) is sin(u)-\sin(u)
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(2x)=2\frac{d}{dx}(2x) = 2
    • Combine the results: h(x)=2sin(2x)2=4sin(2x)h''(x) = 2 \cdot -\sin(2x) \cdot 2 = -4\sin(2x)
  3. Third Derivative:

    • Write the second derivative: h(x)=4sin(2x)h''(x) = -4\sin(2x)
    • Use the chain rule again. The outer function is sin(u)\sin(u) where u=2xu = 2x:
      • The derivative of sin(u)\sin(u) is cos(u)\cos(u)
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(2x)=2\frac{d}{dx}(2x) = 2
    • Combine the results: h(x)=4cos(2x)2=8cos(2x)h'''(x) = -4 \cdot \cos(2x) \cdot 2 = -8\cos(2x)

Problem 4: Successive Differentiation of a Logarithmic Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function k(x)=ln(2x)k(x) = \ln(2x).


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: k(x)=ln(2x)k(x) = \ln(2x)
    • Use the chain rule. The outer function is ln(u)\ln(u) where u=2xu = 2x:
      • The derivative of ln(u)\ln(u) is 1u\frac{1}{u}
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(2x)=2\frac{d}{dx}(2x) = 2
    • Combine the results: k(x)=12x2=22x=1xk'(x) = \frac{1}{2x} \cdot 2 = \frac{2}{2x} = \frac{1}{x}
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: k(x)=1xk'(x) = \frac{1}{x}
    • Rewrite 1x\frac{1}{x} as x1x^{-1}
    • The derivative of x1x^{-1} is x2-x^{-2}
    • Combine the results: k(x)=1x2k''(x) = -\frac{1}{x^2}

Problem 5: Successive Differentiation of a Rational Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function m(x)=1x+2m(x) = \frac{1}{x+2}.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: m(x)=1x+2m(x) = \frac{1}{x+2}
    • Rewrite 1x+2\frac{1}{x+2} as (x+2)1(x+2)^{-1}
    • Use the power rule and chain rule:
      • The derivative of (x+2)1(x+2)^{-1} is 1(x+2)2-1 \cdot (x+2)^{-2}
      • Multiply by the derivative of x+2x+2, which is 1
    • Combine the results: m(x)=1(x+2)2m'(x) = -\frac{1}{(x+2)^2}
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: m(x)=1(x+2)2m'(x) = -\frac{1}{(x+2)^2}
    • Rewrite 1(x+2)2-\frac{1}{(x+2)^2} as (x+2)2-(x+2)^{-2}
    • Use the power rule and chain rule again:
      • The derivative of (x+2)2-(x+2)^{-2} is 2(x+2)32(x+2)^{-3}
      • Multiply by the derivative of x+2x+2, which is 1
    • Combine the results: m(x)=2(x+2)3m''(x) = \frac{2}{(x+2)^3}

Problem 6: Successive Differentiation of a Combined Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function n(x)=x2ln(x)n(x) = x^2 \cdot \ln(x).


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: n(x)=x2ln(x)n(x) = x^2 \cdot \ln(x)
    • Use the product rule: (uv)=uv+uv(uv)' = u'v + uv'
      • Let u=x2u = x^2 and v=ln(x)v = \ln(x)
      • The derivative of u=x2u = x^2 is u=2xu' = 2x
      • The derivative of v=ln(x)v = \ln(x) is v=1xv' = \frac{1}{x}
    • Combine the results: n(x)=(2x)ln(x)+(x2)1x=2xln(x)+xn'(x) = (2x) \cdot \ln(x) + (x^2) \cdot \frac{1}{x} = 2x \ln(x) + x
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: n(x)=2xln(x)+xn'(x) = 2x \ln(x) + x
    • Differentiate each term using the product rule again for 2xln(x)2x \ln(x):
      • Let u=2xu = 2x and v=ln(x)v = \ln(x)
      • The derivative of u=2xu = 2x is u=2u' = 2
      • The derivative of v=ln(x)v = \ln(x) is v=1xv' = \frac{1}{x}
      • Combine the results for the first term: (2xln(x))=(2)ln(x)+(2x)1x=2ln(x)+2(2x \ln(x))' = (2) \cdot \ln(x) + (2x) \cdot \frac{1}{x} = 2 \ln(x) + 2
      • The derivative of the second term xx is 11
    • Combine all results: n(x)=2ln(x)+2+1=2ln(x)+3n''(x) = 2 \ln(x) + 2 + 1 = 2 \ln(x) + 3

Problem 7: Successive Differentiation of a Trigonometric Function

Problem: Find the first, second, and third derivatives of the function f(x)=cos(3x)f(x) = \cos(3x).


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: f(x)=cos(3x)f(x) = \cos(3x)
    • Use the chain rule. The outer function is cos(u)\cos(u) where u=3xu = 3x:
      • The derivative of cos(u)\cos(u) is sin(u)-\sin(u)
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(3x)=3\frac{d}{dx}(3x) = 3
    • Combine the results: f(x)=sin(3x)3=3sin(3x)f'(x) = -\sin(3x) \cdot 3 = -3\sin(3x)
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: f(x)=3sin(3x)f'(x) = -3\sin(3x)
    • Use the chain rule again. The outer function is sin(u)\sin(u) where u=3xu = 3x:
      • The derivative of sin(u)\sin(u) is cos(u)\cos(u)
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(3x)=3\frac{d}{dx}(3x) = 3
    • Combine the results: f(x)=3cos(3x)3=9cos(3x)f''(x) = -3 \cdot \cos(3x) \cdot 3 = -9\cos(3x)
  3. Third Derivative:

    • Write the second derivative: f(x)=9cos(3x)f''(x) = -9\cos(3x)
    • Use the chain rule again. The outer function is cos(u)\cos(u) where u=3xu = 3x:
      • The derivative of cos(u)\cos(u) is sin(u)-\sin(u)
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(3x)=3\frac{d}{dx}(3x) = 3
    • Combine the results: f(x)=9sin(3x)3=27sin(3x)f'''(x) = -9 \cdot -\sin(3x) \cdot 3 = 27\sin(3x)

Problem 8: Successive Differentiation of a Logarithmic Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function g(x)=ln(5x)g(x) = \ln(5x).


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: g(x)=ln(5x)g(x) = \ln(5x)
    • Use the chain rule. The outer function is ln(u)\ln(u) where u=5xu = 5x:
      • The derivative of ln(u)\ln(u) is 1u\frac{1}{u}
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(5x)=5\frac{d}{dx}(5x) = 5
    • Combine the results: g(x)=15x5=55x=1xg'(x) = \frac{1}{5x} \cdot 5 = \frac{5}{5x} = \frac{1}{x}
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: g(x)=1xg'(x) = \frac{1}{x}
    • Rewrite 1x\frac{1}{x} as x1x^{-1}
    • The derivative of x1x^{-1} is x2-x^{-2}
    • Combine the results: g(x)=1x2g''(x) = -\frac{1}{x^2}

Problem 9: Successive Differentiation of a Polynomial Function

Problem: Find the first, second, and third derivatives of the function h(x)=2x4x3+3x7h(x) = 2x^4 - x^3 + 3x - 7.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: h(x)=2x4x3+3x7h(x) = 2x^4 - x^3 + 3x - 7
    • Differentiate each term:
      • The derivative of 2x42x^4 is 8x38x^3
      • The derivative of x3-x^3 is 3x2-3x^2
      • The derivative of 3x3x is 33
      • The derivative of 7-7 is 00
    • Combine the results: h(x)=8x33x2+3h'(x) = 8x^3 - 3x^2 + 3
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: h(x)=8x33x2+3h'(x) = 8x^3 - 3x^2 + 3
    • Differentiate each term:
      • The derivative of 8x38x^3 is 24x224x^2
      • The derivative of 3x2-3x^2 is 6x-6x
      • The derivative of 33 is 00
    • Combine the results: h(x)=24x26xh''(x) = 24x^2 - 6x
  3. Third Derivative:

    • Write the second derivative: h(x)=24x26xh''(x) = 24x^2 - 6x
    • Differentiate each term:
      • The derivative of 24x224x^2 is 48x48x
      • The derivative of 6x-6x is 6-6
    • Combine the results: h(x)=48x6h'''(x) = 48x - 6

Problem 10: Successive Differentiation of an Exponential Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function k(x)=e2xk(x) = e^{2x}.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: k(x)=e2xk(x) = e^{2x}
    • Use the chain rule. The outer function is eue^u where u=2xu = 2x:
      • The derivative of eue^u is eue^u
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(2x)=2\frac{d}{dx}(2x) = 2
    • Combine the results: k(x)=e2x2=2e2xk'(x) = e^{2x} \cdot 2 = 2e^{2x}
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: k(x)=2e2xk'(x) = 2e^{2x}
    • Use the chain rule again. The outer function is eue^u where u=2xu = 2x:
      • The derivative of eue^u is eue^u
      • Multiply by the derivative of uu: ddx(2x)=2\frac{d}{dx}(2x) = 2
    • Combine the results: k(x)=2e2x2=4e2xk''(x) = 2 \cdot e^{2x} \cdot 2 = 4e^{2x}

Problem 11: Successive Differentiation of a Rational Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function m(x)=12x+3m(x) = \frac{1}{2x+3}.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: m(x)=12x+3m(x) = \frac{1}{2x+3}
    • Rewrite 12x+3\frac{1}{2x+3} as (2x+3)1(2x+3)^{-1}
    • Use the power rule and chain rule:
      • The derivative of (2x+3)1(2x+3)^{-1} is 1(2x+3)2-1 \cdot (2x+3)^{-2}
      • Multiply by the derivative of 2x+32x+3, which is 2
    • Combine the results: m(x)=1(2x+3)22=2(2x+3)2m'(x) = -\frac{1}{(2x+3)^2} \cdot 2 = -\frac{2}{(2x+3)^2}
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: m(x)=2(2x+3)2m'(x) = -\frac{2}{(2x+3)^2}
    • Rewrite 2(2x+3)2-\frac{2}{(2x+3)^2} as 2(2x+3)2-2(2x+3)^{-2}
    • Use the power rule and chain rule again:
      • The derivative of 2(2x+3)2-2(2x+3)^{-2} is 22(2x+3)3-2 \cdot -2 \cdot (2x+3)^{-3}
      • Multiply by the derivative of 2x+32x+3, which is 2
    • Combine the results: m(x)=41(2x+3)3=8(2x+3)3m''(x) = 4 \cdot \frac{1}{(2x+3)^3} = \frac{8}{(2x+3)^3}

Problem 12: Successive Differentiation of a Combined Function

Problem: Find the first and second derivatives of the function n(x)=x3exn(x) = x^3 \cdot e^x.


  1. First Derivative:

    • Write the function: n(x)=x3exn(x) = x^3 \cdot e^x
    • Use the product rule: (uv)=uv+uv(uv)' = u'v + uv'
      • Let u=x3u = x^3 and v=exv = e^x
      • The derivative of u=x3u = x^3 is u=3x2u' = 3x^2
      • The derivative of v=exv = e^x is v=exv' = e^x
    • Combine the results: n(x)=(3x2)ex+(x3)ex=3x2ex+x3exn'(x) = (3x^2) \cdot e^x + (x^3) \cdot e^x = 3x^2 e^x + x^3 e^x
    • Factor out the common term exe^x: n(x)=ex(3x2+x3)=exx2(3+x)n'(x) = e^x (3x^2 + x^3) = e^x x^2 (3 + x)
  2. Second Derivative:

    • Write the first derivative: n(x)=ex(3x2+x3)n'(x) = e^x (3x^2 + x^3)
    • Use the product rule again:
      • Let u=exu = e^x and v=3x2+x3v = 3x^2 + x^3
      • The derivative of u=exu = e^x is u=exu' = e^x
      • The derivative of v=3x2+x3v = 3x^2 + x^3 is v=6x+3x2v' = 6x + 3x^2
    • Combine the results: n(x)=(ex)(6x+3x2)+(ex)(3x2+x3)=ex(6x+3x2+3x2+x3)=ex(6x+6x2+x3)n''(x) = (e^x) \cdot (6x + 3x^2) + (e^x) \cdot (3x^2 + x^3) = e^x (6x + 3x^2 + 3x^2 + x^3) = e^x (6x + 6x^2 + x^3)
    • Simplify the expression: n(x)=ex(x3+6x2+6x)n''(x) = e^x (x^3 + 6x^2 + 6x)

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