Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries
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Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries

Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries

Budgetary accounting involves recording, tracking, and managing budgeted amounts versus actual amounts to ensure financial control and accountability within an organization. Here are some common journal entries related to budgetary accounting:

Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries

Scenario: Setting Up a Budget and Recording Transactions

  1. Establishing the Budget
  2. Recording Actual Revenues
  3. Recording Actual Expenditures
  4. Adjusting Budgetary Accounts

Journal Entries for Budgetary Accounting

Example 1: Establishing the Budget

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Estimated Revenues A/c500,000
 To Budgetary Fund Balance A/c500,000
(Being budgeted revenues recorded)

Appropriations A/c | 400,000 |
 To Estimated Expenditures A/c | | 400,000
(Being budgeted expenditures recorded) | |

Example 2: Recording Actual Revenues

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Cash/Bank A/c150,000
 To Revenues A/c150,000
(Being actual revenues received)

Example 3: Recording Actual Expenditures

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Expenditures A/c120,000
 To Cash/Bank A/c120,000
(Being actual expenditures paid)

Example 4: Adjusting Budgetary Accounts

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Estimated Revenues A/c100,000
 To Budgetary Fund Balance A/c100,000
(Being adjustment to increase estimated revenues)

Appropriations A/c | 50,000 |
 To Estimated Expenditures A/c | | 50,000
(Being adjustment to increase appropriations) | |

Detailed Examples:

Example 5: Reallocation of Budget

Assume a reallocation of ₹30,000 from one department's budget to another.

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Appropriations - Dept A A/c30,000
 To Appropriations - Dept B A/c30,000
(Being reallocation of budget between departments)

Example 6: Lapsing of Appropriations

At the end of the fiscal year, any unspent appropriations may lapse.

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Appropriations A/c20,000
 To Budgetary Fund Balance A/c20,000
(Being lapsing of unspent appropriations)

Additional Example:

Example 7: Budgetary Fund Balance Adjustments

Adjustments to the budgetary fund balance due to changes in budget estimates.

ParticularsDebit (₹)Credit (₹)
Budgetary Fund Balance A/c10,000
 To Estimated Revenues A/c10,000
(Being decrease in estimated revenues)

These examples illustrate how budgetary accounting journal entries can be used to manage and monitor financial activities against the set budget. The entries help maintain control over financial resources and ensure compliance with budgetary constraints.


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